unedited: these are somethings that i have found help me with little things like how to spell little words and fix mistakes if not the first time the second. i will make up little rules for how to spell things that i spell often sometimes they stick and sometimes they dont but the ones that stick are very very useful. i also will look for classic mistakes that i know i make every time even though i dont notce it at first going through it a second time helps me fix them like how i always use the wrong witch i dont know how to spell the right one but i can know that im wrong and usualy am allowed to ask how to spell it. i also know that i often dont use capitals so i know when going through a papper to look for words that might be caplized. and lets face it nothing can beat spell check i can usually reli on it most of them time there are always those times when i stump it in witch case i will revert to a dictanry. i am going to put my edited version that only i edit under this then the version that my mom edits under that.
My edited version: These are somethings that I have found help me with little things like how to spell little words and fix mistakes if not the first time around the second. I will make up little rules for how to spell things that I spell often sometimes they stick and sometimes they don't but the ones that stick are very very useful. I also will look for classic mistakes that I know I make every time even though I don't notice it at first going through it a second time helps me fix them like how I always use the wrong which I don't know how to spell the right one but I can know that I'm wrong and usually am allowed to ask how to spell it. I also know that I often don't use capitals so I know when going through a paper to look for words that might be capitalized. And lets face it nothing can beat spell check I can usually rely on it most of them time there are always those times when I stump it in witch case I will revert to a dictionary. I am going to put my edited version that only I edit under this then the version that my mom edits under that.
My moms edited version: These are some things that I have found help me with little things, like how to spell little words and fix mistakes, if not the first time around, the second. I will make up little rules for how to spell things that I spell often. Sometimes they stick and sometimes they don't, but the ones that stick are very, very useful. I also will look for classic mistakes that I know I make every time, even though I don't notice it at first, going through it a second time helps me fix them. Like how I always use the wrong "which". I don't know how to spell the right one, but I can know that I'm wrong and usually ask how to spell it. I also know that I often don't use capitals, so I know when going through a paper to look for words that might be capitalized. And lets face it, nothing can beat spell check. I can usually rely on it most of the time. There are always those times when I stump it, in which case I will revert to a dictionary. I am going to put my edited version that only I edit under this then the version that my mom edits under that. (Mom's note - She actually is getting better at catching some of her consistent mistakes, but only when she really goes through everything with a fine tooth comb!)
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